Gain essential technical experience: IoT systems, automation and radio propagation

If you are a student or graduate of a faculty with a technical profile, you have knowledge of electronics, programming and IT, but not least the desire for continuous learning and personal and professional development, we invite you to apply for the role that suits you.

Team of IT&C network specialists and complete monitoring solutions.

Retail, Banking, Logistics, Public Sector/Administration, Agriculture, new projects or upgrades
From technical analysis and design to setting up modern and scalable systems and maintenance, we cover all essential aspects of infrastructure, including power, air conditioning, structured cabling, access control, surveillance and Wi-Fi networking.

More than 120 projects implemented for clients with national and local facilities and infrastructure.

Automated centralized data collection and display system, web application, automation and remote IT infrastructure monitoring for data centers, technical rooms, telecommunications sites.

Sensor-based IoT networks that optimize operational efficiency by simplifying interaction with infrastructure equipment – automatically collect information on events, alarms and telemetry data.

Suitable for all areas of activity: Retail, Banking, Warehouses/ Logistics, Public Sector/ Administration, Agriculture – cooling and ventilation systems, management of fuel reserves, utility consumption, intelligent lighting, air quality, etc.

Experienced team and in-house resources for project design and execution, with a portfolio of over 24,000 DAS turnkey projects completed and over 40,000 antennas installed. Passive and active systems for radio coverage in office spaces, stadiums/sports arenas, as well as metro stations and tunnels, or high-traffic shopping centers.

16+ years of experience in Telecommunications (as a supplier of RF and DAS equipment) and project implementation for remote monitoring of telecommunications sites in Romania and EMEA.

For over 16 years we have built a portfolio of complete solutions for IT&C infrastructure, wireless communications, radio/DAS coverage systems and remote monitoring systems.

We integrate hardware and software solutions, we design and implement solutions for the automation of power supply, air conditioning and ventilation, access control and surveillance systems. Thus, we help companies in various industries achieve better operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact by making energy consumption more efficient.

Together we are a team of experienced professionals (engineers, technicians, electricians, telecommunications system designers, project managers and support department specialists) motivated to solve our clients’ challenges.

We are driven by efficiency
and innovation.


We encourage good communication.


We are responsible and serious.


Career opportunities

We welcome you to join us if you share the same strong values ​​and principles. Here are the job opportunities we have available.

Profilul candidatului

+  Studii medii sau superioare de specialitate;
+  Cunoștințe în utilizarea unui smartphone și a unui laptop;
+  Carnet de conducere categorie B;
+  Abilități de lucru la înălțime;
+  Abilitatea de a lucra în echipă;
+  Atitudine pozitivă și disponibilitatea de a călători;

Responsabilități principale

+  Instalări și intervenții pentru lucrări în domeniul telecomunicațiilor;
+  Instalări echipamente radio/microunde;
+  Rețelistică.


+  Salariu motivant (incluzând: bonusuri anuale/proiect)
+  Tichete de masă, abonament clinică privată.

Responsabilități principale

+ Vei fi responsabil de design-ul soluțiilor tehnice, site survey și implementarea site-urilor radio;
+  Vei oferi suport atât contractorilor, cât și clienților;
+  Vei urmări implementarea proiectelor și revizuirea documentației tehnice;
+  Diagnoză și troubleshooting pentru sistemele existente.


+  Studii superioare, profil tehnic
+  Cunoștințe despre propagarea radio și standardele comunicării wireless
+  Cunoașterea tehnologiilor specifice: design 2D/software de desen tehnic
+  Disponibilitatea de a călători
+  Capacitate de comunicare, atât verbală, cât și scrisă
+  Permis conducere categoria B

+ Disponibilitatea de a călători


+  Program de lucru flexibil, inclusiv muncă de acasă
+  Salariu competitiv și bonus anual de performanță
+  Abonament clinică medicală privată
+  Programe de training
Atmosferă plăcută și posibilități de avansare în carieră.

If one of the roles suits you, feel free to apply by email to The subject line of your email should mention the position you are interested in.